Corghi Exact Linear


Product CodeExact Linear


Entry level pricing with top range specifications, small investment with a big turnover. Wheel alignment for everyone!

Corghi Icon user friendly graphics. Simple and efficient easy to learn, fast to select. Ergonomic worktop.User Friendly graphics Icon based EXACT software. Easy to learn, fast to select.International Database by World regional area for easy selection. Select your area in the set up, but always have the rest of the world data available at your fingertips.

Unique High resolution 80 x 80 and 80 x 90 target board.Next generation camera with high resolution HiQ lenses.

Camera movement kit alows the operator to work from pit level to over 2.00 meters by pressing a key on the keyboard. Fast and easy (optional).Drive on assistant for safe manouvering in the workshop without additional operator or mirror.
